Thursday, March 12, 2009

Famous Last Words: Watch This Mom!

While my kids jump themselves silly on the trampoline (thank the heavens and stars for trampolines!!!) I can take a break and get my internet fix. It seems the buzz about Chas Freeman's withdrawal won't stop. The Washington Post published an editorial discrediting what is often called the “Israel Lobby” by painting it as a shadowy cabal of power-hungry leaders conspiring behind closed doors. However, Daniel Pipes himself reputedly crowed about the success of pro-Israeli elements, especially AIPAC's Steve Rosen, to start the momentum against Freeman.

What I see is a powerful lobby and its friends who can easily be seen as bearing much of the responsibility for Freeman's choice to withdraw. The paradox is that in getting what they want, the ouster of an unfriendly nominee for office, the pro-Israeli folks may have ended up giving support to those who argue that the “Israel Lobby” is indeed too powerful.

1 comment:

  1. hi, thanks for the kind words on the 'Political Bloggers' discussion board. I like your blog, its very good! I especially like how you started it off with trampolines in this post.
