Friday, March 13, 2009

Air Travel is a Bovine Experience - Moooo

Writing from my Blackberry...

I'm off to my extended family home for a funeral. A sad occasion, but also a chance to see family and drink a bit. Had to leave home at 4am for the airport this morning. So now, that makes the time... sometime tomorrow, I think.

For the first time in ages, I'm traveling without kids. Without endless arguing, whining, very loud requests for snacks and to go to the bathroom. At least this time I didn't have to chase someone at top speed down the concourse, or destroy someone's spin on the baggage carousel.

I miss them anyway.

Such is the curse and blessing of parenthood.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you have a day of rest from your kids because of a funeral.
    Just found you and will be following.
