Friday, September 10, 2010

Quran Burning Story: This Is How The Media Embarrass Themselves

This week, the media has been giving credibility to a loon and his loony ideas. The Quran burning story was not simply reported once, but over and over, every hour on the hour, from every possible angle and with an endless procession of talking heads. This is why I have been watching the Weather Channel for the last few days.

However, this isn't the first time this has happened. In fact, it's the story of the last year. The screechy right shouts ("Obama's health care plan is going to bankrupt America, kill grandma..." etc.) and the media obediently turns it into a legitimate story, no matter how incredible it is. And now, when we need another stimulus, America is convinced that it is going bankrupt, thanks to the hysterical screeching magnified by the media.

The media has dropped the ball and lost all credibility. Only when we vote with our remote controls will they change. The media wouldn't cover this Qur'an burning idiocy if TV-viewing America didn't turn up their TV volume when it comes on the news. Turn it off, I say, and send a message to the media that their nonsense is truly nonsensical. We won't put up with it any more.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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